Order Contact Lenses Name* First Last Email Address* Phone Number*You will receive an email letting you know when your contact lenses are ready for pick up. Please check here if you would rather receive a phone call Supply Needed--Please Select--6 month supply of contact lenses and solutions (please specify solution brand below)6 month supply of contact lenses12 month supply of contact lenses and solutions (please specify solution brand below)12 month supply of contact lensesOtherWe will fill your order using your current prescription. (You must have had a comprehensive eye exam at our office within the past 2 years.)Clarify other if requiredDelivery Option*--Please Select--Pick up at our officeDelivery (shipping fee may apply; please include your shipping address below)Additional NotesShipping AddressThanks for ordering your contact lenses through our website! We look forward to seeing you soon! EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ
We Are Open One Saturday per month (call for availability)
Our Optical Department opens at 9 am